What If Infinity Ultron 1:10 Scale Statue

What IfSKU: 149439

    • Created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to protect Earth, the artificial intelligence known as Ultron, after observing humanity's atrocities and conflicts, started to consider the human race as the biggest threat to peace in the world and, after inserting his conscience into a new synthezoid body that in Marvel's regular
    • timeline ended up being the Avenger Vision, in this alternate reality, Ultron enacted a nuclear genocide, killed Thanos and took the Infinity Stones
    • With such power, after destroying all sapient life in the universe, Ultron got lonely and without purpose to exist, but the combined power of the Stones made him capable of breaking the dimensional barriers in the Nexus of All Realities, becoming aware of The Watcher's presence and the existence of the Multiverse

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